Entries by Kyle

Watch Two Night Stand Two

Just finished today! It’s been six years, and Jennie and Steve are waking up in bed together again. Why does this keep happening? And in case you need a refresher, here’s what happened six years ago. Sorry about the fuzzy video. YouTube is a lot better now. Wow! I didn’t even plan those shots to […]

So You’re an Angry Professional

This afternoon I watched one too many of those xtranormal videos featuring world-weary professionals dealing with strawmen, so I made my own parody of the genre. Enjoy!

Two Night Stand Two

I haven’t really made a live action movie since the summer of 2004, when I directed my not-very-short film Two Night Stand. In the meantime I’ve done some animation, and Truth @ 15 Frames Per Second which wasn’t exactly “shot” so much as it was “recorded.” My main focus during that time has been editing […]

How to Slate a Movie

I’ve worn a lot of hats in my filmmaking career. I’ve been a script supervisor, data wrangler, post-production supervisor, assistant editor, editor, title designer, and every once in a while I’ve had to slate. I rather enjoy slating, because later on when I sync up the movie, I know I’ll have quality slates. I don’t […]

Back it Up!

My soccer coach always said Expect The Unexpected. I swear to God he also once said there is no “me” in team. In general, hard drives don’t fail during the first few years of their lives. As long as they stay under normal operating conditions they’re pretty reliable. But they’re also delicate and fragile machines […]

A New Twist on the Nigerian Scam Letter

I haven’t seen a good Nigerian 419 scam letter in a while, I think because Gmail filters them out. But this one was smart enough to target me as a filmmaker and it got through the filters. It’s a pitch for a film called “Bear Beer Dear.” Dear Sir, Unique thrilling movie script is the […]

Why Are These People So Angry?

I’ve seen a couple videos making the rounds among the film nerd websites this week that seem to be made by what I can only describe as disgruntled old farts. First was the “Cinematographer vs. Producer” video in which a comically clueless producer has the ABSOLUTELY INSANE plan to shoot a feature film on a […]

Do it Yourself

I have a never-ending need to understand the tools I work with, and the new tools that might help me make movies in better and less expensive ways. It’s why I continue to build my own computers and insist on understanding how to run the Mac OS on those computers. It would be a lot […]