Had to Be Made – PLEASE VOTE

No news in a while. Busy finishing up Two Night Stand and working at Possible Films. Who knew a full time job took up so much time?

Kalesius and Clotho makes another foray into the world this week. In a strange festival called “Had to be Made” that isn’t really so much a festival as it is a bunch of DVDs that you can rent at cool video stores. For the Harvard crowd, the new video store at 8 Bow St carries it. And of course Kim’s Video in NYC (St. Marks Place) has it. Check out the festival’s website for a full list of participating stores. Kalesius is available on Volume 7.

If you are a fan of Kalesius and Clotho, please rent the movie and vote for it on the website.

Won’t this movie go away?!

The Epic Tale of Kalesius and Clotho is screening in NYC on Monday, August 2 as part of the Best of the First Sundays Comedy Film Festival series. The show starts at 7pm at 1105 1st Ave between 60th and 61st. There’s an afterparty at a cool bar down the street and you get a free Stella Artois with your ticket stub. I will be there.
Also, for those of you in the broadcast range of Springfield, MA PBS station WGBY Channel 57, Kalesius and Clotho will air on September 26 at 11 pm. It will also be on in-demand for you digital cable subscribers in the area. We’re working on some sort of interview thing to air along with the show, which should be fun.

Two Night Stand moving along

Thanks to everyone who came to the screening, it was great to see all the movies with an audience again. Afterward I had some great ideas and re-worked a lot of Two Night Stand. I’m really happy with the script now. We did a readthrough this week and Jennie and Chris are going to be great. (And congrats to Jennie on her upcoming wedding!)

Oh, and the job search is no longer active, so you can stop emailing me about those opportunities to make millions working from home.