IMDb Theaters

I got an email last night from Withoutabox, a fantastic service for people submitting to film festivals. For some reason I got bored with submitting to film festivals right around the time video on the web started getting popular. Maybe it’s because I can get my short film seen by thousands and thousands of people without paying any money, while a film festival can show my short to dozens or half-dozens of people for a $35 submission fee. So I haven’t used Withoutabox in a few years.

The email I got was about Withoutabox’s new deal with IMDb. They were purchased by the IMDb/Amazon conglomerate earlier this year, and their first visible joint initiative is something they’re calling “IMDb Theaters.” Supposedly any film you have in the Withoutabox database that matches an IMDb entry is eligible. In my case, only one of four seems to be eligible at the moment, probably because they have a length limit. I would like to upload a clip or a trailer for the other three that exceed the length limit, but I don’t have the option yet.

I did upload all of Getting Laid Tonight. It’s great seeing the thumbnail on the actual IMDb page.

2 replies
  1. Ross
    Ross says:

    My short film eRATicate was also asked to be posted, which I of course did. – – it’s a great offer, from my favorite film website. From the email it sounded like they were going to create some sort of alternative for YouTube, with films featured on IMDb. But I’m having trouble finding any evidence of this outside of going directly to movie pages with films posted on them.

    Do you know any more details about this? Is there a section on the site where we can see all the films that have been posted? Any info would be appreciated.

  2. Kyle
    Kyle says:

    So far it doesn’t seem like a portal at all, just a way to get video clips on your IMDb pages. And I haven’t seen any information about the program aside from the email we got. At least they don’t make you pay for it like the posters and head shots.


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