Best Comedy, Ivy Film FestivalBest of Festival, First Look Student Film Festival

“In everydayness everything is all one and the same, but whatever the day may bring is taken as diversification.”
–Heidegger, Being and Time

A dry, gently mocking look at the world of student filmmaking and personal documentaries in general, Camera Noise is the tragicomic story of film student Kyle Gilman, who decides to record his own life on film. Unaware that his life is incredibly dull, he shows a two-hour rough cut to his professors, personal documentary filmmakers Ross McElwee (Sherman’s March, Bright Leaves) and Robb Moss (The Same River Twice). After they suggest shooting something interesting for a change, Kyle decides to film his girlfriend Jennie breaking up with him on camera. What could be more dramatic and interesting?

29 mins

(in order of appearance)
Jennie Tarr Jennifer D Tarr
Kyle Gilman Kyle A. Gilman
Greg Hudson Gregory A. Hudson
Brendon DeMay Brendon T. DeMay

Nikki Ruiz

Nicole C. Ruiz
BJ Averell Brian J. Averell
Robb Moss Himself
Ross McElwee Himself
Charlotte Charlotte A. Cavatica
Emily Gilman Emily R. Gilman
Mary Gilman Mary C. Gilman
Aly Soby Alyssa Soby
Becky Carlin Rebecca A. Karlin
Susana Conseco Susana E. Conseco

Heidi Bliss

John Koczera
Agnes Chu
BJ Averell
Robb Moss & Ross McElwee
Steve Sandblom

Mark Lamphier &
The Harvard Book Store
Kate Williamson
Fiona Torres

special thanks

VES 150
Randy Bell
Mani Kaul
Pete Grana

Extra-Special Thanks
to Jennie Tarr