Truth @ 15 fps Reaches the Tipping Point
The fictional video blog “Truth @ 15 Frames Per Second” that I made last year (started a few months before that other, more famous, fictional video blog) hit some sort of tipping point recently. The actual site, with monetized Revver videos, still only gets about 50 visitors a day, but YouTube is out of control. It’s getting a few thousand views a day. Pretty soon the combined views on YouTube will pass 200,000. That’s a lot more people than I could ever hope to reach in a short film program at the best film festival. Of course, most of those views are for the webcam sex episode I made specifically for a web audience. And if the YouTube comments are any indication, a large number of those viewers are illiterate, and 15 years old.
But I still think this is great. Among the dozens of useless comments, I’ve been getting some great, insightful emails from people who watch the whole saga from start to finish. I never thought anyone would do that, it’s like sitting down to watch an entire season of a TV show at once. If it’s a British comedy series, you can easily do it in one sitting. I just wish YouTube gave me a taste of the money they’re pulling in. Revver has earned me $14 so far, and that includes revenue from my other shorts.
Artistically, I think it was a good idea to keep 15fps as a limited series. It ended at a logical place, but without explicitly saying whether Penny and Sean broke up. That other, more famous video blog should have ended much earlier. Once the plotty stuff about devil-worshiping cults kicked in I got bored. But the trouble is, it got bad at the peak of its popularity. They couldn’t stop at that point. They would have killed their big ticket to fame and fortune. If I had kept 15 fps going until now I would have run out of ideas because it was a limited concept.
I’m much more interested in limited web series right now. I don’t want to promise too much, but I’m working on something now that I hope will allow me to create several 10-ish episode animated web series, possibly at the pace of one a week. It will be a while before I’ve worked everything out, but if it works it’s really going to rock. Stay tuned.
15 fps was a great series. The funniest episode was episode #14.
Penny: “But he doesn’t sleep on your side of the bed because I thought that would be weird.”
Sean: “So what side of the bed does he sleep on?”
Penny: “My side.”
That was hilarious.
I’ve watched some of the rest of your films and I think you have a bright future; especially if you keep casting Jennie Tarr.