Projects Update

My various web ventures continue to proliferate:

  • Obey Saget, a project I’ve wanted to get off the ground for about 5 years, is finally ready to go. I made this graphic to promote Bob Saget’s appearance in The BJ Show at Harvard in 2001, and we made up a small batch of shirts. I still wear mine all the time and when people ask where they can get one of their own I used to have to tell them that we ran out. But now there is an unlimited supply available through Spreadshirt.

    And it’s not just t-shirts. I have all kinds of products. You can even get a messenger bag.
  • Some serious drama went down over at Truth @ 15 Frames Per Second today. Penny found out Sean was recording their webcam conversations and posting them on the Internet, including their horrifying attempt at webcam sex. She was not very happy.
  • Tifaux, the TV blog I started with Maggie, is going strong. We’re developing our style and growing a regular audience of TV addicts.

Trouble is Over

I’ve recovered from a disappearing web host. Believe it or not, there are disreputable hosts out there, and sometimes their servers go down with no warning and they don’t answer their emails. You get what you pay for I guess. Anyway, never use because I’m fairly certain they stopped paying their bills a long time ago, but they continue to take orders on their website. Shady.